
Pure Honey, jars and comb, from our bees to you.

We are family beekeepers, keeping bees in the Tyne Valley Northumberland and Irthing Valley Cumbria. We produce pure honey, which is available to buy online in both jars and comb depending on the season. Produced by our bees throughout the heart of Hadrians Wall country.

Pure Honey in Jars

  • Soft Set Wildflower Honey from the spring wildflowers – soft and spreadable.
  • Summer Runny from the Summer trees and wildflowers.
  • Heather from the Northumberland Heather Moors
  • Added Pollen  with 4% fresh pollen ideal for helping with hayfever.

All jars are round and of 340g size.

Pure Comb honey

Comb honey is pure honey in the most natural state. Available seasonally and dependent on how well the bees produce comb in any given season.

You can also read more about the benefits of eating honey or discover what makes Northumberland Honey Co different with our beekeeping practices and ethos.


Acting on our commitment to sustainability and the environment, we only use plastic free packaging for shipping our pure honey. We use moulded pulp jar holders, which are incredibly strong for shipping our jars, and recyle our cardboard via shredder to bulk fill packaging boxes. Boxes are closed using paper tape.

Multi-buy Discount

Standard jars of honey are £9 per jar, on orders over 3 jars this drops to £7 per jar and for orders of 11 or more jars this drops to £6.50 per jar. Note due to the poor yields for the 2024 Heather season, we have had to exclude Heather Honey from the multi-buy discounts as supplies run low and there is now limited stock remaining.