*Excludes Queen Bees*

Honey | Pure Honey

Pure Honey and Honey Products produced by our 250 colonies of bees throughout the Tyne and Irthing Valley.

Beekeeping on the Heather Moors Northumberland

Beekeeping Practices

Beekeeping at Northumberland Honey Co is focused on sustainability. We use organic treatment methods for the control of bee pests and work tirelessly on bee breeding to select from the best of our colonies to improve the future breeding and genetics of our honeybees.

In the past few years this has significantly reduced overwintering losses and seriously improved the survivability of our honey bees. With a constant expansion of our bee numbers rather than losses.

We are also members of the Bee Farmers Association, and are SALSA approved. We take on apprentice beekeepers to train for a career in beekeeping, ensuring skills are passed onto the next generation. All helping to safeguard the future of the honey bee.


Our bees are kept in the heart of hadrians wall, each jar is individually numbered, with traceability back to the very beehives that produced the honey and the location.

We produce honey in the Tyne valley / hadrians wall area of Northumberland, and Cumbria. With both Northumberland and Cumbrian varieties of honey. As a small team of beekeepers our focus is on top quality bee husbandry, survivability of the honey bees we keep and producing quality honey. Taking this honey on a precious journey from the bees to you with the utmost care.

Northumberland Honey Co | Beekeepers

Comb Honey

Comb honey is cut straight from the frame, enabling you to eat honey just as the bees left it. Now available in larger 300g boxes, this is honey in it’s most pure and raw form, in a secure air tight container perfect for sending through the post as a gift or as a natural treat!

Enjoy sliced onto warm toast, or with cheese or clotted cream. Our most popular comb honey is our Heather Comb Honey which can be found alongisde our other honey in the online shop.

Heather Honey Comb by Northumberland Honey Co
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Jars of Honey

Honey is very seasonal. With each jar being a reflection of the time of year it was produced. At Northumberland Honey Co we produce a range of honey, including:

Wildflower Soft Set – a spring/summer mix of honey that has a lovely spreadable creamy texture

Summer Runny Honey – from summer wildflowers, light and runny

Cumbrian Honey – from the Irthing Valley in Cumbria surrounded by organic farmland and the heart of Hadrians wall country.

Added Pollen Honey – perfect for those wanting to acclimatise to the pollen in a bid to reduce hayfever symptoms.

Heather Honey – arguably the king of all honey, a deep velvety texture and the richest most powerful honey that can be produced in the UK.

Browse the range of honey below, or visit the shop page for our full range

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