*Excludes Queen Bees*

Nucleus Colony Purchase Form

As responsible beekeepers we only sell bees to those who are competent and qualified to keep them.

In recent times beekeeping has become fashionable and we have seen an increasing number of people who have no experience of keeping bees looking to start. Bees like any livestock require great care, time and knowledge to look after, and we will only sell nucleus colonies to those who are able to look after them. It is a sad fact that 90% of new beekeepers don’t last keeping bees more than 2 seasons as they die out in their care. Therefore we are aiming to ensure that all colonies purchased from us have the best chance of survival beyond the 2 years!


Therefore we now have a form process to go through in order to check that those purchasing colonies through us are competent. All fields on the form are mandatory, without completing all fields your form will not reach us for consideration for a nucleus colony purchase.

Notes on completing the form:

It is necessary to register on BeeBase as a beekeeper this is a responsible thing to do in order for FERA to be able to trace and deal with any notifiable bee disease. By purchasing a nucleus colony from us you agree to us sharing your details with FERA to allow us to meet our statutory obligations.

Following completion of the form we will be in touch with you directly should we have any availability for nucleus colonies. Please note our Nucleus Colonies are in extremely high demand  and generally will only be available during the summer months. It is adviseable to get your request in early so there is a great chance of being allocated a colony with our list for the 2022 season now being open.

Please also note completion of the form doesn’t guarantee you a colony. We will assess the information inputted and provision of a nucleus colony is completely at our discretion.